Staple Scarcities

Transforming water obsolete structures into Anthropocene food production factories

Revitalising Hong Kong's urban landscape by converting outdated infrastructure into a forward-looking, sustainable framework. With a commitment to supporting the city's future needs, the aim is to strategically transform obsolete structures, turning them into innovative hubs that cater to the evolving demands of a dynamic urban environment, contributing to shaping a more resilient and future-ready urban fabric for Hong Kong.


My Role: Researcher, Design Strategy, Architect

My Responsibilities:

Desktop Research

Literature study


Developing Design Concept

Graphic Design


Pitch Deck

Organisations: Hong Kong Urban Renewal Authority and IAAC

Duration: 15 weeks

Explore & Discover


Desktop Research

Research Analysis

Problem Statement

Identifying Problem Statement

Frame & Define

Design Strategy

Journey Mapping

Area Statement

Developing Strategy

Ideate & Develop

Urban Analysis

Neighbourhood Analysis

Service Idea

Developing Service Concept


Pitch to Partners


Pitch Deck

Tracing food network in Hong Kong


Distance food travels before reaching Hong kong markets

Only 3% of the food required is locally produced, catering to a mere fraction of the city's consumption needs. The remaining 97% of the food supply relies on imports

Food Consumption vs Food Production

How Might We statement

How might we

increase food production in Hong Kong within the constraints of limited land resources, aiming to achieve self-sufficiency and reduce the city's reliance on external food imports?


Investigating the advantages of vertical farming in comparison to traditional farming practices.


Mapping the ideal journey of food from production to markets.

Ecosystem Mapping for Food Production

Establishing hyper-local food production hubs to bring fresh food closer to people.

Estimating the area required to fulfil district-specific needs.


Urban Infrastructure analysis

Our hypothesis is that as local food production becomes more prevalent in Hong Kong, traditional food warehouses will become obsolete.

The goal is to identify infrastructure that might become redundant due to this shift.

Additionally, we aim to explore the transformation of food markets, including supermarkets and neighbourhood markets, to align with the changing landscape of food production in the city.

Transforming food warehouses and obsolete transport infrastructure into main food production hubs in Hong Kong.

We defined the specific requirements of main production hubs by outlining essential activities

We then outlined the specific requirements of A2 Nodes (supermarkets) and the neighbourhood markets.

Neighbourhood Analysis

To bridge the gap between residents and the coast, we aimed to design food factories as community hubs serving the dual purpose of providing residents with easy access to the coastline.

Mapping the service functioning of Anthropocene factories

We allocated the lower floors of the food production factories as communal public spaces. Through this we aim to facilitate easy access for Hong Kong residents to the coast, fostering community engagement and connectivity

Establishing replicable food production modules using a framework for various sites.

Proposed Vision: Anthropocene Food Production Factories.

Kowloon Highway poses a barrier hindering residents' access to the coastline.